You're right about Luke on Bespin. But then it was stamped down. In Twilight of the Apprentice, Ahsoka's surprise attack slashed open Vader's mask. I would like to think he would not have killed her. Did he really not want to confront Ahsoka until he was forced to? Hence his bargaining and trying to convince himself that Ahsoka could turn or even be able to walk away from the situation. Do you really think if she fell she would be Vader's apprentice. He’s planning to kill him before being stopped by Ahsoka. I think he was really conflicted about having to face Ahsoka and would've never fought her if he didn't have to. Surely he could have felt the urge to kill her because she left the Order, left him. I honestly did not want that jarring disconnect where he loses a lot of essential skills practically overnight. But most importantly, she was powerful- largely because of Anakin- becoming the youngest Jedi Knight in history (that we know of). But before that, she was a young Jedi betrayed by one of her closest friends in the Order —and it wasn't Anakin Skywalker. In his mind, if he worked Luke enough, he would finally be swayed to the Dark side. An important factor of Vader's character is that at this point, the only person who should be able to bring him back from the dark side is Luke - not Ahsoka, not Obi-Wan. Until Luke reminded him he was still capable of redemption, his goal was to eventually usurp Palpatine. Just a blatant lie. No sadness, no confusion, he as Vader knew exactly who she was and it no doubt enraged him beyond belief to be referred to as if he were still Anakin. He wanted Luke alive. I've always liked the idea that Vader is pretty much totally loyal to the emperor until he discovers the existence of his son, and as a side-effect the lies of Palpatine, and at that moment decides he's going to scheme to take power himself. As a result, she had to tangle with Darth Vader’s Inquisitors. Perhaps he never really blamed her the way he would end up blaming Obi-Wan or the rest of the Jedi? Not everyone gets the "we need not be adversaries" treatment, especially when they've been aiding and abetting rogue Jedi and the Alliance. Rebels Season 2 (early): Vader’s first duel with Kanan and Ezra, he walks into frame, first thing he does is ignite his lightsaber. Heavy spoilers ahead. Why Ahsoka Tano Is the Best Thing to Happen to Star Wars in 20 Years. Immediately after turning off his saber, he attempts to sway Ahsoka over to the Dark Side and to join him & the Emperor. That actually happens during the Darth Vader comic. Unfortunately Vader took control again. So what could have been holding him back? Would Anakin have killed Ahsoka in ROTS if he thought he needed to for Padme? It might've just been a ploy trying to get her to help him over throw the Emporer. She's not dead, but she's gone. It echoes the way he addresses her by name in Rebels ’ “Twilight of … Vader is merely interested in testing the abilities of Luke, seeing what he does or doesn’t know. Ahsoka did reveal Grogu's history of being a Jedi foundling in … The duo engage in a duel that ends inconclusively and Ahsoka… As we had seen in the Darth Vader comic, over the 20 years since Order 66, Vader had grown complacent in his position as Sith Lord. Given time this relationship could have evolved into apprenticeship. The point is: If Ahsoka had more time to consider Anakin’s darker tendencies, and maybe if she even remembered what happened on Mortis in The Clone Wars season 3 … Vader called out to her, and she called back out to Anakin, stating that she will not leave him this time.For a moment, Vader's eyes appeared to show hesitation before finally hardening back and returning to his Vader persona, determined to push forward and kill Ahsoka. From a subjective standpoint, it was a killer scene, just out of place based on what else we saw in that same era. On The Mandalorian season 2 … It seems more clear from that line that perhaps Vader was trying to deceive Ahsoka into trusting him with information about remaining Jedi, then he’d betray her and kill her. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. One thing that’s been on my mind for years now since the Season 2 finale, is Vader’s initial reaction when seeing Ahsoka again for the first time in 15+ years. But then of course, there’s Vader’s line immediately following: “The Emperor will show you mercy, if you tell me where the remaining Jedi can be found.”. Compare that to Vader’s other confrontations with Jedi and it’s crystal clear when he does or doesn’t want to kill them: Episode 4: Vader’s standing in the hallway of the Death Star with his lightsaber already on, before Obi-Wan has even fully come around the corner to see him. By comparison to those moments listed above, in his scene with Ahsoka when he turns his lightsaber off, it seems a lot less clear as to his intentions. Ahsoka Tano is gone. Rosario Dawson was announced as the star of 'Ahsoka,' part of a 10-show 'Star Wars' expansion announced by Disney on Thursday. I think it's possible Vader is still disillusioned by Palpatine then, so maybe the mercy line wasn't a blatant lie. Even then, Vader could have killed him at any point of the fight. The primary lightsaber was a single-bladed weapon with a cylindrical silver hilt with black ornamentation. Would've Anakin killed ahsoka if she was present at the temple during revenge of the Sith? He obviously doesn’t have those same kinds of conflicted feelings against Kenobi. Ahsoka eventually reunites with Anakain during the show’s second season, where she learns that he has become Darth Vader. She was not a Jedi. It’s such an interesting thought. He didn't yearn to overthrow his master as he knew he could never achieve the power to do so alone, and all the force sensitves known were either surviving Jedi, or comparatively weak like the Inquisitors. So while Vader might have wanted to get rid of anything that tied himself to his old, weak self -- including his old padawan and friend -- Anakin never grew to hate her. When Vader's voice modulator started malfunctioning and Anakin's voice came through calling out Ahsoka's name and Ahsoka told him "I won't leave you, not this time" Anakin's partial facial expression appeared as if he was feeling sadness and remorse, … Then, of course, like I said above, his first time seeing Ahsoka again since she left many years ago. After her husband became Vader, Padmé w… Someone her could turn? It’s so out of character for him but in an interesting way, because he’s dealing with a part of his past that gives him conflicting feelings. Although they varied in whether the light or darkness in Anakin/Vader emerged in the end, I think the comparable results in Ahsoka's interactions with Vader that would later be seen by Luke's would say something about who Ahsoka was to Vader even as a Sith Lord. The former Jedi had to go underground after Order 66 happened. She saw their treachery before Vader. Vader hated Ahsoka because to him, she was representative of the failures of Anakin Skywalker, and a crucial link towards him destroying any remnants of his Jedi past. I think he genuinely didn't want to fight. When she says "I won't leave you not this time" they stare at each other for a few seconds and then he says "then you will die" you can see his eye make some type of expression before getting angry and saying that line. She is so dead! She was the apprentice to Anakin Skywalker and held attachment to him. Both sabers contained kyber crystals from the sacred planet of Ilum, with the primary lightsaber having a green blade and the shoto's blade being yellow-green. After she cuts his mask, he says her name and she says she won't leave him, he looks pretty shaken up by it until he reverts back to being Vader. The end of the season finale of Star Wars Rebels clearly showed us Ahsoka Tano walking back into the Sith Temple after her battle with Darth Vader. Needless to say, Ahsoka is a major character in Anakin Skywalker’s life because she was his former Padawan before he turned to the Dark Side. One being he may lose. I think the mercy he's referring the Emperor would afford her is in the form of a quick death. Onscreen, Ahsoka has only shown interest in one (boring) guy, but I relished that YA novelist E.K. The appearance of Ahsoka may have created some cracks and uncertainty in his loyalty, but it was never going to break it or turn him from the dark, only his child could do that. The character made her live-action debut in Season 2 of The Mandalorian and was a big help … Sith-a-phus lives another day — we knew that he did, but seeing him do it through a storm of self-created chaos was a sight to behold. But the rank and file were only trained in the physical force arts. And yet upon seeing her he deactivates his weapon. Ahsoka held her ground, and just as Vader was about to deliver a killing blow, Ezra pulled Ahsoka through a portal. Perhaps because she had left the Order she could maybe be more easily turned to the Dark Side? I imagine the dark side being like a highly addictive drug and hard to pull away from. He stares at the sky. Only person who could get him out of it is obviously Luke. In all other cases he should be completely evil. He toyed with Luke. Johnson's "Ahsoka" indicated a female character's one-sided crush on Ahsoka… A bird flies by. In his eyes, she was not only innocent of the crimes of the Jedi but an example he soon followed. He felt like his fellow Jedi were betraying him, but Ahsoka wasn't a part of that. The dark side wins in the end, it doesn’t help Maul or Ahsoka. To Vader, Ashoka was family. The Emperor will show you mercy, if you tell me where the remaining Jedi can be found. He also seems conflicted. Was it sadness, confusion, why did he hesitate? I think that's what makes his redemption so impactful. Or was it always his personal intention to kill her regardless? We know what happens when the former Jedi Master and Padawan meet again nearly 20 years in the future as Darth Vader, Sith Lord and Ahsoka Tano, Rebel agent. Recently, she was seen in her live-action debut on Season 2 of The Mandalorian as a mature and skilled master of the Force. Vader's mind: this bitch just ruined my favorite helmet. I prefer to think that it did still affect him on a deeply subconscious level, as a distant niggling feeling far, far in the back of his mind that might have stuck around -- and then magnified for Luke. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Ahsoka Tano made her debut in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film, and later reappeared in the animated series of the same name. Cool post. EK Johnston’s novel Ahsoka explains the switch from blue to white. Vader hated Ahsoka because to him, she was representative of the failures of Anakin Skywalker, and a crucial link towards him destroying any remnants of his Jedi past. Perhaps be able to resurrect his wife. Probably. To me, the first time I heard it, I really believed Vader was being somewhat genuine. When they parted he wasn't angry at her like Obi-Wan or even Padme -- he still loved her. Would he really not have made the first move if he believed she could be reasoned with? At that point he would have hoped she would 'open her eyes' and join him. You can’t keep a persistent Sith down. In my head I imagine a small inner battle between Anakin and Vader at which Vader prevails. I also don't think he was trying to turn Ahsoka to the dark side either.. She was always very strong willed even though she did leave the Jedi Order. Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise, created by George Lucas and centered around a film series that began with the eponymous 1977 movie. Darth Vader taking the saber represents Anakin’s love for his first spiritual child, Ahsoka. Ahsoka Tano's journey through Star Wars has been interesting, to say the least. At least, until now. But with Ashoka? This. Vader had been waiting for this day for a long time. For a myriad of reasons. By entering in season 7, the fans knew Palpatine wins in the end, the birth of Darth Vader and the galactic empire overthrow the Senate of the Republic. Does he truly want to fight her, or does he not? He doesn’t say … She held her own without any Darksiders power boost. Despite his love for his wife, Padmé's life and their children was one of the main reasons Anakin had become the ruthless Sith Lord Darth Vader in the first place. ...actually, i think this idea of mercy was exemplified in an earlier issue of Vader but i can’t cite it. Even as a Sith Lord, Vader still loved Padmé very much, but felt great guilt for his actions against her. Ahsoka was Vader's hope at overthrowing the Emperor. He just wants to kill him. He didn’t want to fight Ahsoka. We also know Ahsoka Tano will see Anakin Skywalker for the first time in his new, more machine-like state. Especially if she stood in his way like Obi-Wan did. Ahsoka Tano is a character in the Star Wars franchise. Some time later, Darth Vader — now more machine than man, dressed in the full black suit — steps across the snow-covered ground of the grave site. Rebels Season 2 (Finale Episode): Upon reaching the top of the temple while standing on top of his TIE fighter, his lightsaber is already drawn and ignited when seeing Ezra. When the lightsabers were returned to Tano prior to the Siege of Mandalo… Anakin had convinced himself that there was nobody left that still loved him. She’s also in Star Wars Rebels and appears as one of the Jedi voices that encourage Rey to give Palpatine a good smack in The Rise of Skywalker. Introduced as the Jedi Padawan of Anakin Skywalker, who later becomes Sith Lord Darth Vader, she is a protagonist of the 2008 animated film Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the subsequent television series.Ahsoka reappears in Star Wars Rebels, where she uses the codename Fulcrum, and as a voiceover cameo in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. He was no good to him dead. The Inquisitors were Vader's chosen jedi hunters. He finds the lightsaber and recognizes it as the weapon of his former apprentice, Ahsoka Tano. When they parted he wasn't angry at her like Obi-Wan or even Padme -- he still loved her. Ashoka was not his usual Jedi prey. Maybe because Ahsoka never personally betrayed or lied to Anakin? Related: The Mandalorian Season 2, Episode 5 Cast & Cameos Guide Since Ahsoka was name-dropped in The Mandalorian season 2, episode 3 titled "Chapter 11: The Heiress," there was an expectation that she would be the key in resolving Din's mission as the temporary caretaker of Baby Yoda. Initially he saw Luke as a chance to gain an apprentice of his own, but soon was overcome by a father's love. Early on, he was not as consumed by pain an anger, so I guess he would still want to keep her prisoner 'for her own safety' and later conversion. Vader is the broken and twisted shell of Anakin, but he's still the same person. And at the same time perhaps anything but death would be considered mercy to both Palps and Vader; left to die, enslaved, etc. He only ignites his lightsaber after Luke ignites his. However, that wasn't the case. I feel as though Vader was truly looking to fulfill his role in the Rule of Two for most of the OT until Luke showed faith in him in ROTJ. I think he only hesitated because he was taken aback at Ahsoka's unwillingness to leave him. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Knowing things like that would soothe a … It's difficult to say. She was the closest thing to turning him until Luke. But unlike Obi, she was wise enough to see the corruption of the Jedi and left the order. But she still wasn't enough. It is a bit contradictive to what he says in the blu ray. So while Vader might have wanted to get rid of anything that tied himself to his old, weak self -- including his old padawan and friend -- Anakin never grew to hate her. There might have been a flash of him remembering himself as Anakin and his love for her. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The Emperor would never let Ahsoka live. Vader believed with her at his side again, he could conquer the Emperor and take control of the dark side. If he were to turn away he’d had have to really look at his own actions with a critical eye. And then of course, what’s always resonated in my head when I think about that scene, is Vader’s line: “We need not be adversaries.”. So he keeps his lightsaber sheathed while he is talking. Thing is, I see some parallels between Vader's interactions with Luke and Ahsoka. She’s standing there, lightsaber hilts in both hands, and what’s the first thing he does? Both sabers were capable of being wielded underwater, as demonstrated during the Battle of Mon Cala. Ultimately he knew what was going to happen and was willing to kill her. And see the sides of Maul and Ahsoka really put into perspective the decision that the Dark Side had on the situation. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. But for a few seconds, there was Ahsoka. I think if there was any conflict there - and I believe there was for a very brief moment, after her "I won't leave you" line - it completely dissipated when he resolved to kill her. One of the longest-running mysteries of Star Wars Rebels was of what happened to Ahsoka Tano in the Season 2 finale after she faced off against Darth Vader. Was he trying to deceive her before killing her, like with turning his lightsaber off to try to make her believe he did not want to fight her? I don't think Vader ever had any intentions of killing Ahsoka otherwise he wouldn't have deactivated the lightsaber in the first place. Ashoka Tano | Source: IMDb The last time fans saw Ahsoka was when she was in face-off against her former Master Anakin Skywalker — now Darth Vader. He was in denial about the whole situation. He must have realized that the Emporer would not have taken kindly to him being reunited with Anakin Skywalker's old apprentice. The end. Episode 5: Vader stands as a solemn silhouette before Luke the entire time he begins speaking to him on Bespin. But in the end the dark side is too strong and he "remembers" why he s Darth Vander and not Anakin anymore. We need not be adversaries. An 'Ahsoka' … It’s worth mentioning that in the Star Wars Rebels Season 2 finale, an older Ahsoka battles Darth Vader in a Sith Temple. But was Ahsoka truly different? Immense anger and hatred. Luke makes the first move. He and Luke destroy the Emperor. No intention of killing him. I think he was really conflicted about having to face Ahsoka and would've never fought her if he didn't have to. It's a good guess that this last Vader scene is maybe a year or two after Ahsoka dropped her saber, and Vader has come to the planet to specifically track down Ahsoka… I've already proved that Ahsoka had a Style advantage against Vader which was why she lasted as long as she did, and still was getting owned and wrecked by Vader who can dominate her with the force. He makes his escape — living to cameo in Solo: A Star Wars Story and then also show up on Star Wars Rebels. Darth Vader was one of the most powerful Force-users in the galaxy's history, and it is only right that his apprentices were immensely strong too. If she joined him they could easily overthrow the emperor. Ezra, Kanan, and Ahsoka will visit Malachor, and there, Ezra will encounter Darth Maul. To me there’s definitely no subtext of any sort in that line. Yes, the long awaited/dreaded showdown between Ahsoka and Darth Vader, a.k.a. There’s a split second where he doubts it. Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise, created by George Lucas and centered around a film series that began with the eponymous 1977 movie. But I feel like with those two lines being right next to each other, “We need not be adversaries” and “The Emperor will show you mercy...” it seems to me like they could be seen as polar opposites of what Vader’s intentions with Ahsoka truly could have been. I knew that she wasn't going to die in the series finale of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, as she goes on to appear in Star Wars Rebels and is likely set for more Star Wars adventures. The Grand Inquisitor however was a fallen Jedi who had joined with the Vader to hunt his former comrades. Something once again out of his control. Ahsoka Tano is getting her own series on Disney+. Anger towards himself because he knows she's right. But falls back into Vader and the dark side. I was comfortable assuming that Ahsoka damaged him … His anguish fuels him with the dark side. Was he maybe just experiencing some brief conflict with himself? Luke's rejection of him in ESB disillusions him further and he's mostly going through the motions at that point because he can no longer imagine a realistic happy ending for himself which is where the almost depressed sounding "it's too late for me" comes from when meeting Luke again on the surface of endor. Oh and one more question. But that doesn't matter. Snips and Skyguy, is here. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. I think he might have had a flashback about his past and the moments he had with her. Not that she was going to be released. He had his lightsaber drawn to kill Ezra. None of them had any mastery of the mystical aspects. Ahsoka Tano might be the most beloved Star Wars character in the series to never appear in live-action. The shoto looked like a smaller, less-detailed version of the other lightsaber. Sith Ahsoka would wipe the floor with Vader and he'd still be stick as an apprentice. I think he wanted her to live but was still willing to kill. But the interesting thing is, from what I understand (I haven't finished TCW yet, but I totally cheated and watched the scene in Rebels -- so correct me if I'm wrong) Ahsoka never did anything that Anakin/Vader might construe as "wronging" him... besides leaving. Someone to take on the emperor with? But also, was she like Luke to him? He felt like his fellow Jedi were betraying him, but Ahsoka wasn't a part of that. Press J to jump to the feed. Maul, by contrast, has no problem killing every Clone in sight like he's Vader at the end of Rogue One. What do you believe? I just saw the s2 finale for the 20th time by now. Surely he could conquer the Emperor would afford her is in the first move if thought. Was Vader 's interactions with Luke and Ahsoka really put into perspective the decision that the Emporer not... Is the broken and twisted shell of Anakin, but felt great guilt for his actions against her to... 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