He is gone for two weeks and comes home for a week. So the day he comes home we’re having middle of the day sex and he’s doing me doggy style. 1. Add the complications of keeping your sex life exciting, healthy and fun as you grow together, start a family and deal with increasingly busy schedules and there’s plenty of room for more and more cringe to come beyond the awkward firsts. He then asks if I wouldn’t mind posing as her and singing the documents for her. No idea what happened but I lost 3 or 4 minutes. 25 Scary Stories That Will Destroy Your Faith In Humanity, 17 More Gripping True Tales Of Sheer Terror From America’s Darkest Highways, 29 Men And Women Share The Terrifying Moments In Their Lives That They Can Neither Explain Nor Forget, 26 People Reveal The Strangest Thing They’ve Seen In The Middle Of Nowhere, 13 Night Drivers Share The Most Messed Up Thing They’ve Ever Seen On The Road, 50 World Travelers Tell Their Creepiest Hotel StoriesÂ. I see the glass door in front of the main door (forgot what it’s called) open. Balding man explaining how millions of people see him in their dreams every night. By Anonymous, October 23rd 2017. The guy calls out the window to me “hey kid! 1. It wasn’t like a quick thing, it was a full ten seconds of “hmmmhmmmhmmMMmHmmmm”. On the dot. Looked like she was from the 1950s or 1960s (with cat glasses). I was shaking and tears were pouring down my face even though I wasn’t “crying”. 25. One evening, for some reason, I thought about a person that I had gone to college with but had not seen in more than 30 years. My bedroom was sparse, I didn’t even have a bed frame, just a mattress on the floor. Here are fifteen of the most disturbing Reddit stories out there: 15 "All That Was Left Was The Head" “One time the wife and I are getting it on first thing in the morning. It was a terrible accident with extensive injuries. It was not possible me to stop one from moving when I moved the other, and they would move at a precision that would take someone a very long time to be able to fake properly. It resembles a projection of light that has passed through a yellow, patterned glass. I genuinely laid in my bed the whole night reading and watching TV. I had to wake her up. When I was 16 I had just gotten my license as well as my first after school job. We finally make it to the little clearing on the side of the road and pull over. By Chrissy Stockton Updated October 30, 2019. It had been posted earlier that day. 22 of America’s Funniest True Stories of 2015. He placed it there so I couldn’t close the door. But I just KNOW he had found that license and made up that story as a way to lure women into his truck, and it scared the hell out of me that he could have convinced someone before. 27. Top 10 True Stories More Interesting Than The Myths ... Weird Stuff These 10 Women Were Convicted For Witchcraft For The Most Ridiculous Reasons Weird Stuff Top 10 Bizarre Facts About Death Weird Stuff Top 10 Creepiest Places On Earth (That You Probably Don’t Know) One employee at night, not in a shopping center, off from the main road, small parking lot covered with trees. I do, too! Noah Berman. So we watch this thing run, pushing branches out of its way and what not. An eternity stretches on before mom is calm enough to say anything coherent. I was sleeping on a friends couch when living in Phnom Penh – there the houses often have tile that will go up the walls a few feet. But it's always important to talk to a dermatologist about any medical concerns you may have. Cool interesting stuff features everything odd, weird, bizzare, strange or unusual. Twitter. Take the quiz to see if your symptoms may be HS—a chronic inflammatory skin condition that may be linked to the immune system. There was no difference between the hallucinated physical sensations and any other sensations I had or have felt since. My cousin and I were probably targeted for a scam, but I still don’t know how or why. He is definitely “ready to go” when he gets home. My grandparents were in a nursing home and I was living at their house fixing it up to sell. It started with a numb feeling in my ankle that slowly spread up my leg over time, but when the feeling got to my knee things got very weird. Well one day while he was out doing his Marine shit for two weeks I had the house to myself and I was playing Skyrim and I felt a small hand starting to grip mine. 7 “It was a strange sensation,” describes one Reddit user who was hypnotized. I lived in a haunted house for eight months. 38. At that time all the schools and parents were warning us of stranger danger. I look down and there’s a long, fresh scratch on my ankle. My grandmother died and that night I woke up at 3AM to her standing at the foot of my bed in a white robe telling me that she loved me and thanking me for taking care of her home. I was 22 years old. We since have determined they didn’t go to our school, and have tried to figure out how he knew what he did, to no avail. All I remember is being scared shitless because I still had that disembodied face fresh in my mind, and I was convinced it was linked to that site somehow. I then noticed over the coming days that my room was really hot, and I thought this was strange because we just got new air vents put in. There is a local myth about a Longhorn skull wearing devil who kills and cannibalizes people on our bike paths. We found some of the best, worst and most cringe-tastic sex stories on Reddit. True to its name, it's likely you won't be getting any sleep after reading some of these. if I were to guess Doing my rounds — first walking the exterior and then walking through the interior at about 3:30 am . So then I went to close it and came back. 2. It’s pitch black except the lights of the little town at the bottom of the clearing, miles away. My 3 year old (at the time) started running around the house and playing hide and seek with himself. Worst though, was the eerie sensation of waking up and sensing a child is creeping into your bed behind your back and tucking itself in. Remember to visit a dermatologist once you've completed the quiz, and talk to them about your answers. Log In Sign Up. 2. Me [33F] with my “almost boyfriend” [30M] 3 months. GQ published their 2014 true crime story "The Strange & Curious Tale of the Last True Hermit" about a man who lived in the woods in Maine. I rushed out, but she wasn’t there. He came up to me and grabbed my wrists and kept screaming, “You’re coming with me.” I don’t think his grip was too hard because I was able to rip away and I ran super fast away. I can only assume he thought it was my clit, but how? Suddenly and I’m not really sure why I just blurt out that I’m only 16…and for some reason THAT freaks him out. These days, I’m thinking it must’ve been some sort of carbon monoxide poisoning or something like that going on. Pinterest. So I decided to google her name to see what she had done with her life. 20. I quickly figured out which direction my house was and ran back to bed. Has anyone in your family been diagnosed with HS or experienced HS symptoms? There’s always some more rational explanation to these kind of phenomenas, but sometimes that explanation can’t be easily found. New house. So we asked follow up questions and he gets cagey. 40. I would sleepwalk as a child. Years later, we are on a road trip together several states away, and decide to stop at a Huddle House for coffee. Mom died 5 months ago, and I moved across the state- into her apartment- to be closer to family. After that, I’ve always slept with my door closed. Suicide attempt and a few burglars. A version of this story was published February 2020. What in the fuck was that guy doing at 3am, during a blizzard, in the literal middle of nowhere, with fucking sunglasses? Get push notifications with news, features and more. The guy was really nice the whole time, but started asking some odd questions about what time I get out with all the robberies happening. Then I looked outside my window for a brief moment and thought I saw a shadow disappear. That’s my only paranormal experience, and I gotta say, thanks ghost for unlocking the door for me! “He fingered my bellybutton. We’d rather forget that entire night happened. He must have been distracted when talking to my grandma. In 1991 I went to a 7-11 by myself when we were at my grandmother’s house. It was like sirens were going off, and I thought for a split second that this was it I was going to be kidnapped. There is literally a true crime story called "the yogurt shop murders" and it's exactly as weird as it sounds. We’re all kinda bullshitting as we get out and something gets our attention. Even in my gullible teenage mind I know this story is complete bull. Tonight at 3 AM (aka 30 mins ago) my TV randomly turned on. Thankfully I was 13 and a little smarter then. Sort of an odd coincidence, she never did try to kill me but it was a little bit creepy. This was a shopping strip with a grocery store, restaurants, and a bank on a fairly busy Friday afternoon. In 1991 in Austin, a group of high school girls was hanging out in -- you guessed it -- … 30. Over 10 years later now and I still do not know what causes it. In Cambodia it’s very very common for break-ins, most of my friends had things stolen from them while sleeping in their own homes or while walking on the streets. I had a roommate who was always a complete asshole. One night I had a dream that a coworker killed me with an axe and when I got to work the next day she was telling a fellow coworker that she had a dream that she killed me with a knife. Story 1. 23. By Adam Davis. Plenty of strange stuff. My dad was checking them out and went to get some sort of tool, when I saw the scariest image possible. 11. I start trying to close my window and he REACHES through grabs my shoulder and starts trying the door handle (which was luckily locked.) Usually I’d wake up in the living room, or I would freak myself out and wake up in the basement. My mom’s car would have been hit dead center. Your answers indicate that you haven’t experienced any of the common symptoms that are typically associated with HS. A Reddit user asked people who had willingly engaged in incest to share their stories in an anonymous form and stories came flooding in. I hopped off my bike pulled the front tire up so I could turn around faster and I booked it home. Is something else going on here? 6. You should speak with a dermatologist about your answers to this quiz to get a proper diagnosis. 1. Anyway after all that his brother goes into the to the room that was mine and I had left my old bed there since I got a new one and he saw a little girl sleeping on it. 24. Short story. By r/Weird: The subreddit for the weird, strange, odd and bizarre. Doors banging. 15. Every time I hear those conspiracy theory shows on the radio about time skips and wormholes and things, I always wonder if that’s what happened to me. Photo Credit: Pexels. A month later I had moved out and I was visiting my brother in Fort Hood. You could be on the front page of Cracked.com tomorrow. All I know is I had just gone to bed and blinked and now it was morning. These true stories from Ask Reddit aren’t a good idea to read after midnight. It was the first time I had ever heard him compliment anyone. I bring this story up expecting him to laugh at me and he gets a shocked look on his face and asks if I’m serious. I was having a normal night, maybe my first week there. Ghost stories are fun and all, but I’m just not a sucker for a campfire tale. No remotes near my bed. Weird World; The 7 Most Insane True Stories of Neighbors from Hell The 7 Most Insane True Stories of Neighbors from Hell. 33. He kept running in there and shouting: “Found you! I remember him pulling me away all embarrassed and I was just thinking, “But the man grabbed my hand?”. I was heading out to school back in 8th grade. It's wings were clear so it wasn't a bird but the thing was huge and weird if it was a bug (I lived in the Mojave desert CA at the time if anyone can think of something it could have been) and freaking the fuck out tangled in the web and branches. Light switches switching on and off. Weird Stories r/ Weirdstories. Please note: This quiz is not meant to diagnose patients with HS. ... but when the feeling got to my knee things got very weird. 28. Nobody there and no signs of entry. If I had googled her one day earlier I would never have known that she had died. When I was 12 I used to sleep with my bedroom door open. Now by this time I was completely hysterical as it truly felt like my bones were coming loose and I was convinced I was dying. Nothing. Learn more about working with Thought Catalog. These mysterious stories of the strange and unexplainable are sure to give you chills. Learn more about Thought Catalog and our writers on our about page. 7. She called the police, but I’m not sure if the people were ever caught. In the middle of the night I had what seemed to be sleep paralysis, where I couldn’t move but was seemingly awake. Found a lot of cool stuff, abandoned schools from the 1900s, some weird permanent campsites, all that. When pimple-like bumps or boils start showing up in areas where skin rubs together, you may question what’s going on with your body. My dad assumed that I’d accidentally grabbed onto this man’s hand thinking he was my dad. 21. Your answers indicate you’ve experienced symptoms commonly associated with HS. What some people call weird coincidences others call “Synchronicity.” Here are seven incredible stories that might change your view of strange coincidences. He said he slept with the light on all night. It’s a rough dirt road and we were in a VW Rabbit. Need help finding a dermatologist? When I was about 5 I was visiting my grandma in the city with my mum, dad and sister. But there were no children living with us. But that’s not likely, because my 1st bedroom didn’t have windows, the light didn’t move and when I placed my hand in it, the light did not project onto it. I dropped the bottle and booked it to our baby’s room to check him and our room to make sure it wasn’t my wife. Let me preface this with saying I really don’t believe in ghosts. A year or so later, a co-worker claims to have been walking past the church and saw a lady staring him down partway behind a curtain. You may unsubscribe at any time. 21 True Stories About Very Weird Things That Have Happened To People, But That They Can't Explain Pro tip: Don't read this post alone or at night or alone at night. I hear him say “sorry” and I look up and I realize I was holding hands with an old man that I didn’t know. I still don’t understand why my dad thought I grabbed onto his hand. Around a decade ago I experienced what can only be called an inner body hallucination. Seconds later, I hear a lot of noise and my mom screamed. Later talking to a guy at the front desk, he said the hotel is haunted and a lady threw herself and children from the balcony of the floor we were on. From what my friend had told me his brother closed the door and asked his mom who was the little girl was she was confused and they went back to check it out and the room was empty. A couple days later they catch him and it’s that dude, I see footage of his car, and it was the car that drove by while I was still with the cop. Not-so-lucky no. It was midnight and I was playing Overwatch when I got a hurting feeling that I was being watched. But it is by far the freakiest thing to happen to me. I still have no idea what the fuck it was. Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday. We didn’t recognize them, but smiled politely, commented it was a small world. Even though he was caught and I still had a somewhat happy ending, the image of looking up and seeing his face, and being so petrified I couldn’t move or scream still haunts me. He said she was lonely, but they’re friends now so she can sleep with him. I’m at a loss for rational explanations. INSIDER was unable to independently verify all these stories, but you'll enjoy scrolling through them. We all get back in the car without a word and start driving off in total silence. I still get chills thinking about it. User account menu. In the last 6 months, have these bumps reappeared 3 or more times? Someone attempted to kidnap me in a park. Then suddenly, at like 7 in the morning, I get a stinging sensation in my left leg. Light was coming through the window. I used to live in a one bed room apartment with a den. ARTICLES; History; 5 Crazy True 9/11 Stories You've Never Heard Before 5 Crazy True 9/11 Stories You've Never Heard Before. My bed was always up against the wall so I’d either sleep facing the wall, or looking out at the rest of my room. So, yes, I think it is haunted. I ended up falling off the bed, dragging him down with me & onto some friends who were sleeping on the floor.”. “Tl;DR: I had sex with a man who told me he was terminally ill. One day I was it riding my bike alone on our street (a fairly populated street lots of kids out playing and whatnot) and a green two door car pulled up with a woman driving and a guy in the passenger seat. I saw a shadow on the wall after my friend went to sleep and thought maybe his roommate had come home and was in the kitchen. I called her right away. He slowly backs away, get in his truck, and leaves. Plus, then you start to get a reputation as a liar! 16. Flipboard. We were walking towards the city centre so it was pretty crowded. Learn about us. Not a huge church and probably about 40 years old. I remember the fridge being closed (I drink/eat before I sleep) before I went to my bed. I’m sure it was just a nearly-asleep hallucination, but it was spooky. The freakiest part was how hard he screamed when it stopped. Super embarrassing. It's important to talk to a dermatologist about any medical concerns you may have. 15, 2016 'Reader's Digest' readers lead some funny lives. I also have a bad habit of constantly waking up in the middle of the night due to insomnia. During an examination, doctors found that the woman's labia were pinned together with old safety pins. Mathematically these odd stories are almost impossible, yet they happened. He will sleep in his crib until about 3-4 am then wake up screaming for a bottle then spend the rest of the night in our bed. Me and five guys rented it together. That same night I had a sleep paralysis episode and when I opened my eyes I saw a little girl on top of my chest shaking her hair in my face before she vanished. I don’t believe in supernatural shit, but this is the only unexplainable thing I ever experienced. It fades after about 1 minute and I go back to sleep. One Reddit user explained that most things on the deep web simply aren't visible to the average person — they're hidden behind passwords or aren't linked to on any other websites. I had just gotten a place closer to my new job but the neighborhood i lived in was secluded. See more ideas about creepy stories, true stories, weird. He wants to know who printed out this image, and he shows it to us. Sounds innocent enough. I get back to the start line and ready for the next and my opponent is walking towards me to shake my hand and the referee says “5-3 bout” meaning I’d won 5-3. I’m completely blown away, but super shy and feel the need to let him down easy (stupid I know). I heard my mother scream on my front porch. My parents were normally quite paranoid about strangers. Made me feel a little less crazy. Built around 1930 and sometime in the 70s had a fire. He claimed not to remember. My son started screaming even harder as soon as the humming stopped. He talked like a salesman, almost. The worst was smelling him before seeing him, and then knowing that someone could so easily walk into a home without anyone knowing. The next day I was very freaked out. Andy Simmons Updated: Apr. Once, we were about 4 miles into the woods on foot and stumbled onto a shack that had a moonshine still cooking with a ... 17 True Stories Of Scary Encounters Deep In The Forest. I hear a toilet flush and footsteps go down the hall. Suddenly the girlfriend goes “this isn’t working” and they suddenly pay and leave, food untouched. Years later I spotted him on the sex offender registry for assault. by Allie Hayes What is scary is that people in my town do go missing at night. Needless to say, we got lost. Like I said this bank was in the same shopping strip…there would be no need to drive to it. We all noticed him calmly standing somewhat close to the ‘road’, not moving an inch. He starts to rapidly talk about different things from the school, just disjointed comments that were a bit odd. We always joke that we are psychic, as this is not the first instance like it that we have had, but it was definitely the most freaky of the bunch! Specifically, it will feel as if a bone near my kidney or some other organ in that area is coming loose and revolving in a circle around that organ with each breathe I take. A rush of what felt like BURNING hot adrenaline shit through my body, I felt like I could hear everything 10x louder and see everything 10x better, I’ve never felt anything like that before. I went to the other bathroom and then used it, still don’t know what the hell was at the other side of the door. I turned towards the night light in the kitchen so I could pour the water to the right level when I heard a woman humming in a soothing way behind me. 17. At this point I’m freaking out. I shut those things immediately and sat in my bed for the rest of night without sleeping. By Chrissy Stockton Updated September 22, 2019. What some people call weird coincidences others call “Synchronicity.” Here are seven incredible stories that might change your view of strange coincidences. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 22. He was fine and she was dead ass asleep with the door still closed like I left it. 4. 50 Grisly, True Stories That Will Scare The Crap Out Of You By Chrissy Stockton Updated October 30, 2019. INSIDER was unable to independently verify all these stories, but you'll enjoy scrolling through them. In fact, I am standing in the hall. As told by BuzzFeed's Internet Explorer podcast. We're about to dig into some nitty and gritty stuff, delving into the true and serious stories of Reddit that leave people shocked and awed. My eyes opened wide after that, I peeked to see the kitchen and when I looked I saw the fridge wide open. This is important for later. Crazy. Gave a statement to the police and he was arrested! We found 15 of the most cringe-worthy How-I-Lost-My-Virginity stories on Reddit, and they’re pretty hard to read. I have an ample ass so there is that wonderful slapping noise as he’s thrusting. And being told that something that actually happened to you is a lie is REALLY FRUSTRATING. We looked at each other, for a few minutes and then he left. To that end, someone recently asked "cheaters of Reddit" to share stories about how their affairs started and ended. Never was polite or kind to anyone. This happened to my Father, I will tell the story the way he told me to better the story. I immediately open the door and there was nobody there. Add to Favorites. 37. The website later turned out to be a hoax, but the memory still lingers with me. I distinctly remember I never hit print when I visited it, so no one had any idea where tf it came from. Three times In my life I have awoken to see the same golden grid projected on my wall. It seemed like a lot of kids were getting kidnapped because they were being tricked into helping the kidnappers find a lost pet. Click here. I turned and ran to my friends room, banging on his door yelling about someone being in the house. Next to my bed was an alarm clock that had big large red numbers on it. But I am glad I had that fear, because one day during the summer I was trying to go to sleep and I heard a noise from above me, and I freaked out. 5 Weird Crimes That Happened On Movie Productions. She was (accidentally) the other woman. Blip in the matrix? These stories, taken from various AskReddit threads, are all (supposedly) true. ... help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. By January Nelson Updated October 10, 2020. Do these symptoms appear near your inner thighs, armpits, chest, groin, or buttocks? She says ‘what’s going on in there? Twice in my youth, and once more a few years ago. Scroll For Article Below Advertisement. Is Dad hitting you?’ My husband kept going like a champ but I was laughing so hard. Facebook. Sounds innocent enough. Toilets flushing. He lied to me about having Leukemia. 18. He then starts getting irate telling me that I’m perfect and the only one who can do it, how beautiful I am, can he at least take me to dinner, and so on. Lots of sleep paralysis too, and I wasn’t the only one noticing this shit. Mathematically these odd stories are almost impossible, yet they happened. Weird World; Your 20 Creepiest (Totally True) Stories Your 20 Creepiest (Totally True) Stories. The other kid was kidnapped and murdered, pretty much right after leaving that 7-11. r/NewsOfTheWeird: NewOfTheWeird is for weird and wacky news from all over the world. At first, we smile and nod, but he had weird facts wrong. 31. Remember those glow in the dark stars you could stick to your ceiling? This is why we usually wait until the kids go to bed. He starts to explain to me that his wife and he were supposed to be signing for a loan at the bank behind us today, so that they can purchase a boat, but she is stuck in a meeting and can’t make it. Not gushing blood or anything, just a small, fresh scratch. 20 Creepy True Stories To Read In The Dark Tonight By Chrissy Stockton Updated September 22, 2019. Weird r/Weird. As I went on to describe that first gathering where we had met, he became very confused. Eventually it reached my rib cage and that’s when things truly started to get freaky. In a weird place emotionally and not sure what to do. I remember letting go of my dad’s hand and then feeling him grab back hold of it a few moments later. “The guy put me under, and then told … Maybe four houses within a mile, nothing for miles after that. Edit: Yeah, yeah, it’s an erogenous zone for some people, but I’m pretty damn sure he thought it was my clit because when he finally touched my actual clit he was surprised. The source for all things bizarre, strange and odd in the world. As I’m sitting there drifting off I see a black Denali pull up behind me blocking my car in the spot. I swear I didn’t sleep, I literally blinked and it was 12 hours later at the exact same time. ... We couldn’t move, that weird heavy-gravity feeling that was holding us down still would not allow us to move, but I was trying to, and I could feel my fiancé trying to, as well. By subscribing, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Statement. He said later that he loved being alone and that it was a simple life. All the stories below are true. When I was 14, I had just moved to another state. Pinterest. I woke up, many times, from hearing people rummaging around in different parts of the house (especially when I was home alone). However I have a hard time explaining how a metal folding chair that was set up folded itself up in the basement behind me while I was watching TV as a child. Comment; ... “There was one story I read a while back. Check out the latest unusual headlines. It felt like there was a direct link between my ankle and my neck to the point where If one moved, the other moved automatically at the exact same time, the exact same amount. Little one so I went on to describe that first gathering where we met... Between the hallucinated physical sensations and any other vehicles the rest of the symptoms... Crime story called `` the yogurt shop murders '' and it ’ s.. This man’s hand thinking he was a Marine bit odd had googled her one day earlier I never! I grabbed onto his hand finds a really small magnet that stopped the door exit. You may question what’s going on with your body out this image, hardcore. Dad from the Internet were completely mystified as to what could have caused as. 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